Object of Desire – A look at custom garages that help protect and preserve your automobiles

Worth Magazine - April 2011
“We live and work hard in the Detroit area, and if you’re from Detroit you’re a car nut,” says architect Louis DesRosiers of his firm’s expertise in creating luxury garages. “Invariably, when we’re designing local homes, a custom garage is on the man’s wish list.” DesRosiers Architects focuses on extending the aesthetic of the existing home while creating a functional space in which owners can easily work on their cars.

A custom garage can help protect and preserve your automobiles. From sophisticated security systems and high-end construction to keep out moisture and extreme temperatures, to finished floors and creative lightning that showcase your vehicles, a custom garage is an insurance policy for your car collection.

The owners of the garage pictured in Detroit often display their cars in their driveway and use the space for parties.

DesRosiers’ garages are priced out at approximately $30 per square foot. For more information, visit.desarch.com or call 248.642.7771.

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DesRosiers Architects
36330 Woodward Avenue Suite 100 | Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Tel: 248.642.7771 | info@desarch.com